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/ 2004 Chevrolet Truck Comp…rison Training Library 3 / 2004 Chevrolet Truck Competitive Comparison Training Library 3.iso / library.INI < prev    next >
INI File  |  2003-12-17  |  384b  |  13 lines

  1. [library]
  2. MBTitle=DiskJockey - ⌐2001, Reaction Media
  3. RunApp=chevytrkcc3.exe
  4. RunParam=0
  5. AltApp=
  6. minHorRes=800
  7. minVerRes=600
  8. minBpp=16
  9. minBpp2=8
  10. FailMsg=This program requires at least 8-bitcolor depth!  Use the 'Display' control panel to select this setting, and try again.
  11. NotRunMsg=Could not run your main executable!
  12. RunAnyWayMsg=Could not change resolution. Run anyway?